Pollution Prevention Programs

shutterstock 21195394RTP staff can assist you with your pollution prevention program.  RTP regularly supports our clients with pollution prevention development, evaluation and other compliance activities.  Much of the time, pollution prevention plans are in the form of Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC) as required under the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Oil Pollution Act of 1990.  RTP has prepared numerous SPCC plans and supported implementation and on-going compliance activities.  In addition, SPCC rules may require the development of a Facility Response Plan (FRP).  RTP staff are knowledgeable of FRP requirements and have completed FRP applicability determinations as well as the development of facility FRPs in accordance with applicable requirements.  RTP can provide the necessary supporting analysis and prepare any additional plans and documents as required.

Other pollution prevention plans include those associated with SWPPP, waste reduction and minimization plans or recycling plans.