Site Assessments

shutterstock 88260061The purpose of a site assessment is to review past and present land use practices, site operations, site conditions, and to evaluate the potential for areas of environmental and regulatory concern. Site assessments are often completed in support of commercial land transactions, loans or other “ownership” agreements.  Site assessments include evaluations of the potential for soil, surface water, groundwater, and air quality contamination resulting from past and/or present operations and nearby off-site operations.  The evaluation of the potential issues of concern relating to hazardous materials and wastes at a facility are often conducted in general accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM E-1527-05) standards and in response to client-specific scopes of service.

Each assessment is typically performed in a phased approach which begins with a preliminary physical site reconnaissance, including an evaluation of past and present land uses, commonly known as a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.  Potential environmental problems identified during this phase can be further investigated to the extent required by applicable regulations as part of a Phase II assessment.  Based on the investigative result, mitigation and/or remediation plans may be initiated.  RTP considers the initial stages of a site assessment to be the most crucial.  RTP works closely with the client and, when appropriate, the involved regulatory agencies, to define a timely phased work plan based on applicable criteria. A plan is developed to address potential problem areas while remaining focused on objectives, thereby limiting analyses and costs.  Although risk can seldom be completely eliminated, RTP seeks to minimize potential risk within the budgetary limitations of the specific project.  RTP can provide frequent project status reports to involved parties in all site assessments.

Our staff has performed numerous environmental site assessment projects.  These projects have included small, vacant lot assessments to large scale assessments, such as downtown Toms River, New Jersey where we reviewed approximately 185 separate sites.  RTP personnel have been involved in the assessment of sites including former landfills, discharge lagoons, industrial developments, golf courses, institutional facilities, thermal power generating facilities, retail centers and malls, hotels, and many others.  We are available to assist you in preparing a site assessment that is responsive to your needs.